Our Team

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Alice Kestell

Child Protection Trustee.

Alice happened to first visit UMRio in 2014 when the first education programme, “Eu Quero Ser”, was just taking shape. Impressed by the authentic, ambitious and learner-centred approach of a new organisation working in such challenging conditions, Alice became a committed supporter.

As a qualified teacher and with 10 years’ experience developing international curricula, Alice became a Trustee for UMRio/ONERio in 2016, and is a Designated Safeguarding Lead. As well as supporting staff and volunteers with ongoing training and advice, in 2019 she led Child Protection and Safeguarding Training for 20 Sports for Development organisations in Brazil. With attendees including Projeto Grael and Instituto Reaçāo, the training was one of the many ways UMRio is leading the way in collaboration within the sector.

Outside UMRio/ONERio, Alice is an adopted Parisian who volunteers to teach French to vulnerable new arrivals and helps young people with their homework.